7XCC Noida Joins Pedals With India's Largest cycling challenge benefiting #ChildhoodCancerHeroes
(Donation of - Rs 600 - Includes the collectible Hi Quality Dri Fit CFG Tshirt)
All donations go towards treatment of children with cancer & eligible for 80g tax rebates
*all payments done thru our trusted PCI DSS secure partner instamojo
All donations go towards treatment of children with cancer & eligible for 80g tax rebates
*all payments done thru our trusted PCI DSS secure partner instamojo
CFG Edition III in 2024 was a blockbuster
In Edition IV 2025 Cyclists Unite Again For Kids With Cancer
It's As Easy As 1 -2 -3
(Registration Donation - Rs 600/Includes a Quality Dri Fit Event Tshirt)
*Eligible for 80g
(*all payments done thru our trusted PCI DSS secure partner instamojo
*Eligible for 80g
(*all payments done thru our trusted PCI DSS secure partner instamojo
Dri Fit Tshirts For all Participants and Exciting Prizes Including MTB's and Hybrids, Certificates & Medals To Be Won
Unlock Levels
Level |
Rewards |
Unlock Criteria |
L1 |
Participation Dri Fit Tshirt |
All Registrants |
L2 |
L1 + Participation e-certificate |
Cycle 100 km Or Raise Rs 12500 |
L3 |
L2 + Participation gold medal |
Cycle 350 km Or Raise Rs 25000 |
L4 |
L3+ Champions Plaque |
Cycle 500km OR Raise Rs 200000 |
L5 |
L3+ CanKids SuperHero Cycling Plaque |
Cycle 1000km OR Raise Rs 500000 |
Interested | Need More Info | Need Help In Registering A Team
Give us your details and we will contact you ASAP!
Want To Help / Can't Cycle / Don't Want To Register?
Is there a registration donation? What will I get for it?
There is a registration donation of INR 600, against which you will will receive a very good quality dri fit participation T-Shirt and an opportunity to be part of an event like no other.
How do I submit my activity/ performance?
1. Join the Cycle For Gold community on www.strava.com/clubs/cankids-kidscan-cycle-for-gold-970688
2. By Jan 15th, you will get an email too connect your strava/garmin account to the Cycle For Gold Challenge on the HDOR (hdor.com Platform) and we will do the rest for you
3. Your rides will be automatically pulled in from Feb 4 to March 9 Midnight
*Your profile needs to be public on HDOR
How can I raise funds for the cause?
You can create a personalized supporting fundraiser on Milaap. Its easy. Click here and then click on Create A Supporting Fundraiser Button. Need help on this? drop us an email at [email protected]. All funds raised will be used to enable holistic care of children with cancer & their families. Donations are eligible for 80g receipts.
When will I get my awards/ prizes?
The t-shirt should reach you in the first week of Feb, all other prizes and rewards won would be dispatched to the respective participants over April.
* All Individual & Team distance rankings are basis successfully finished rides from February 4 2025 @ 00:00:01 IST to March 16 2025 @ 23:59:59 IST
* Ties in funds raised would be broken by average funds raised across team, and ties in distance targets would be broken by average speed.
Is there a registration donation? What will I get for it?
There is a registration donation of INR 600, against which you will will receive a very good quality dri fit participation T-Shirt and an opportunity to be part of an event like no other.
How do I submit my activity/ performance?
1. Join the Cycle For Gold community on www.strava.com/clubs/cankids-kidscan-cycle-for-gold-970688
2. By Jan 15th, you will get an email too connect your strava/garmin account to the Cycle For Gold Challenge on the HDOR (hdor.com Platform) and we will do the rest for you
3. Your rides will be automatically pulled in from Feb 4 to March 9 Midnight
*Your profile needs to be public on HDOR
How can I raise funds for the cause?
You can create a personalized supporting fundraiser on Milaap. Its easy. Click here and then click on Create A Supporting Fundraiser Button. Need help on this? drop us an email at [email protected]. All funds raised will be used to enable holistic care of children with cancer & their families. Donations are eligible for 80g receipts.
When will I get my awards/ prizes?
The t-shirt should reach you in the first week of Feb, all other prizes and rewards won would be dispatched to the respective participants over April.
* All Individual & Team distance rankings are basis successfully finished rides from February 4 2025 @ 00:00:01 IST to March 16 2025 @ 23:59:59 IST
* Ties in funds raised would be broken by average funds raised across team, and ties in distance targets would be broken by average speed.