CanKids signs MoU with Govt. of Punjab to Provide Access2Care for Children With Cancer
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, and Punjab is Going Gold.
Gold is the color of childhood cancer. The gold ribbon honors children with cancer and their families and pledges support for childhood cancer to be a child health priority.
It is estimated that Punjab accounts for 969 to 1,543 of new cases of childhood cancer each year (0-19 years) as per IIC-3 data from IARC Geneva, depending on IICC3 7 PBCRs of India or IICC 3 - World Average incidence rates. (For 0-14 years of age similar data is 687 and 996 respectively)
CanKids KidsCan has signed an MoU with the Department of Medical Education and Research, Government of Punjab, and will serve as a Knowledge and Technical Partner to support the state government on matters relating to childhood cancer.
This MoU will help in the development and implementation of a state-level childhood cancer control plan and policy in Punjab, which will then be integrated into the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancers, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS), to ensure:
This MoU doesn’t reflect any financial burden of the state government.
Gold is the color of childhood cancer. The gold ribbon honors children with cancer and their families and pledges support for childhood cancer to be a child health priority.
It is estimated that Punjab accounts for 969 to 1,543 of new cases of childhood cancer each year (0-19 years) as per IIC-3 data from IARC Geneva, depending on IICC3 7 PBCRs of India or IICC 3 - World Average incidence rates. (For 0-14 years of age similar data is 687 and 996 respectively)
CanKids KidsCan has signed an MoU with the Department of Medical Education and Research, Government of Punjab, and will serve as a Knowledge and Technical Partner to support the state government on matters relating to childhood cancer.
This MoU will help in the development and implementation of a state-level childhood cancer control plan and policy in Punjab, which will then be integrated into the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancers, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS), to ensure:
- Development of appropriate infrastructure, pediatric oncology centers of excellence
- Access2Care networks and referral pathways
- Capacity building of pediatric oncology health professionals
- Appropriate and adapted regimens of treatment and diagnostics, quality and affordable drugs
- Disease-specific interventions
- Patient, family, and civil society engagement through a participatory approach.
This MoU doesn’t reflect any financial burden of the state government.
CanKids KidsCan will:
Childhood cancer will be given priority with this MoU, and with the government's Department of Medical Education and Research, we will promote and support surveys, epidemiology, studies, and research on childhood cancers in Punjab.
This is the 1st state-level MoU CanKids has signed.
- Mobilise the required resources for its programs in the state under its project Change for Childhood Cancer in Punjab.
- Create referral pathways so that patients can be referred to specialised centres if treatment is not available at the primary health center.
- With other stake holders like IAP PHO chapter, build capacity for doctors, nurses and other paramedical staff in various aspects of care and support for children with cancer.
- Create and/or provide IEC material and conduct awareness programs on childhood cancer across Punjab.
- Provide information and material and updates on childhood cancer to the Punjab Government Health Helplines.
Childhood cancer will be given priority with this MoU, and with the government's Department of Medical Education and Research, we will promote and support surveys, epidemiology, studies, and research on childhood cancers in Punjab.
This is the 1st state-level MoU CanKids has signed.